Dr Julie Withecomb has worked as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist for nearly 30 years.
Dr Julie Withecomb has worked as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist for nearly 30 years.
Dr Elizabeth Jackson trained at St Bartholomew’s Medical School in London. She has a Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) in General Adult and Rehabilitation Psychiatry and is a Fellow of the Royal College Psychiatrists. She currently works in both private practice and in the NHS, where she has been a Consultant within the Westminster Home Treatment Team, since setting up the team in 2004. This team provides a home-based alternative to admission for people suffering serious mental health problems.
Dr Jonathan Haynes BM BCh, MA (Oxon), FRCPsych, is a General Adult Consultant Psychiatrist and Deputy Medical Director of Mental Health Services in Gloucestershire. He is an honorary senior clinical lecturer at the University of Bristol, with research published on anxiety, depression and alcohol.