Dr Julie Withecomb has worked as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist for nearly 30 years.
Dr Julie Withecomb has worked as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist for nearly 30 years.
Professor Khan is a Consultant Psychiatrist and works in the NHS and independent practice. He is Visiting Professor of Psychiatry, University of Chester, and Clinical Lead for Dementia, Midlands, NHSE&I.
Dr Lucy Griffin MBBS MRCPsych is a Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist based at the Priory Hospital in Bristol. She has specialist accreditation in both liaison psychiatry and addictions.
Dr Lanka is a Consultant Neuropsychiatrist with expertise in General Adult, Liaison, Forensic and Neuropsychiatry across both NHS and independent sectors. He has also worked as a Research and Development Lead and Regional Medical director.
Dr Scott is a consultant general adult psychiatrist in a busy community and in-patient post. She has worked in a broad range of specialities including general adult, child and adolescent psychiatry and learning disability. She has worked with the Mental Welfare Commission gaining experience with developing guidelines for best practice, assessment of patient care and investigating complaints. Her current post is as a General Adult Psychiatrist where she has been based for 11 years and since 2017 has also been a Clinical Director.
Dr Pawan Rajpal worked as an NHS Consultant Psychiatrist in the Complex Health Needs Service at St Martin’s Hospital in Bath and also consults at The Priory Hospital in Bristol and 10 Harley Street London.
Dr Lohawala has practised as a psychiatrist for 15 years and as a Consultant Neuropsychiatrist for the last 8 years. He has trained in neuropsychiatry at junior doctor and registrar level and currently practices at the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS trust as a Consultant Neuropsychiatrist.
Dr Layton currently works as a Consultant Psychiatrist in the Independent Sector. He has worked as a consultant since 2008 initially as a substantive consultant in the NHS.
Dr Elizabeth Jackson trained at St Bartholomew’s Medical School in London. She has a Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) in General Adult and Rehabilitation Psychiatry and is a Fellow of the Royal College Psychiatrists. She currently works in both private practice and in the NHS, where she has been a Consultant within the Westminster Home Treatment Team, since setting up the team in 2004. This team provides a home-based alternative to admission for people suffering serious mental health problems.
Dr Bowers is a full-time NHS Consultant Psychiatrist working on the Isle of Wight. He is experienced in preparing medico-legal reports on a wide range of psychiatric conditions in both adults and older adults.